Nothing Quite Like It

I'm Abigail, an actor and filmmaker from Orlando, Florida. Everybody wants to be an actor, waiting for opportunities to come to them. Only select individuals truly take a chance and go for it.
When I was a kid, I would get books taken away as a punishment, and I would get odd looks as I dove into a world of characters. "She sighed thoughtfully" a page would say. Nope, I sighed thoughtfully. Needing to feel what the character feels, know how they think, predict their next move. You would think I was in the Secret Service.


Abigail is a graduate of Florida Southern College with a BFA in Theatre Performance and a minor in Film. Throughout college she held roles both on and off the screen, she wrote and performed in the short ‘Cutthroat’, which won best lighting at The Southern Reel Festival, as well as acting and editing the short ‘Brief’ which was a Lift-Off Global Network Official Selection. Abigail won 'Best Actress in a Minor Role’ as Miep in Anne Frank and was nominated for the role of Edith in Blithe Spirit. She also had the pleasure to act and co-direct a staging of ‘5 Women Wearing the Same Dress’ at Florida Southern College.
Out of school, Abigail was in the debut of ‘Mushy' at Orlando Fringe Festival. Seasonally, she works at Universal Studios Orlando: Halloween Horror Nights as a scare actor. Most recently as a demon in The Exorcist: Believer house. She's proud to have been in ‘Late Delivery’, a short comedy for the Greenlight Film Festival in St Petersburg, Florida.
Most recently, Abigail wrote, directed, and produced 'Revenge Plan', a short film for the Orlando Independent Filmmakers Challenge, which will premiere this September. She will make a short cameo in Revenge Plan, and couldn’t be more excited!
Abigail can be found on Instagram at @AbbyAlmondd, her website, or by email at


"An audition is about letting them see who you are, how you work, and how the material affects you. An audition should be as much for you as for them [the casting director]"

Harold Guskin, How to Stop Acting pg. 76


Late Delivery

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